Hormone Testing

How are your hormones affecting your health?

Hormone testing can provide a detailed picture of hormone production, metabolism, and balance. Hormone testing can also assess adrenal function and provide insight into the underlying factors contributing to sleep disorders and chronic stress.

Hormone testing may help to reveal the underlying causes of disorders such as PMS, irregular, absent, or painful periods, PCOS, endometriosis, and fertility challenges.

Some of the hormonal tests that you can gain access to include:

  • DUTCH Complete and DUTCH sex hormone test

    This test can be beneficial if you're dealing with chronic stress, sleep disturbances, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, heavy, painful, irregular, or missing periods, migraines, mid-cycle spotting, fertility issues, low libido, or sexual dysfunction.

  • Thyroid Panel

    In NZ, we work collaboratively with other healthcare practitioners, like your GP, to order a comprehensive Thyroid panel. This can be useful if you are experiencing the following symptoms:

    Underactive thyroid: Symptoms include weight gain, insomnia, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, heightened sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, high blood cholesterol levels, muscle aches, painful or swollen joints, heavy or irregular periods, fertility challenges, or hair loss.

    Overactive thyroid: Symptoms may involve hyperactivity, nervousness, irritability, panic attacks, hand tremors, rapid or irregular heartbeat, heart palpitations, increased appetite accompanied by weight loss, excessive sweating, heightened sensitivity to heat, trouble sleeping or an enlarged thyroid gland.

You must make an appointment before purchasing any tests so that we can ensure you are getting the right test for your specific needs.

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